Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Opening Weekend 9/25/10

It was a pretty eventful opening weekend for the group. We had a few guys hunting our stands in Avon, Ohio and another group out at my uncle's property around Chatham, Ohio. When all was said and done and the dust settled down Sunday night, we had dropped four nice deer during Ohio's opening archery weekend.

My old man GB led the pack with a pretty decent 10 pointer dropped opening morning at 7:17am in Avon. It's a pretty typical 8 pointer with two nice kickers coming of the deer's left antler (see the pic at the top for a better view). Man, ever since he's turned 50, he's been dropping at least two a year and it doesn't look like this year will be any different!

Following up GB was my 10-year-old cousin Andy who dropped a nice 7 pointer out in Chatham on Sunday. What makes this deer even more impressive is that he took him with a well placed shot from his recurve bow! Pretty damn impressive shot from the 10-year-old deer slayer!

Our buddy Dino (top below) was also able to drop a real nice doe on Sunday out in Chatham while my cousin Pat (bottom below) dropped a spike in Avon on Sunday as well (luckily the spikes were small enough that he was able to use one of his doe tags on the deer).

We also had a couple of clean misses this weekend but luckily no wounded deer. I was in Avon and didn't have a shot opportunity, but did see a couple of nice does. During my downtime I was able to update the "tree log" in the bucket stand where GB dropped his buck. I added it to my old post from a few years ago when I dropped a 9 pointer out of the same stand.

All in all, a pretty damn good start to the season. Lots of fresh meat getting cut up for the year and a few celebratory beers!

I will be trying to hit the woods at least once or twice after work this week so hopefully I'll have some more posts to add. In the meantime, also check out my cousin Joe's blog over at: http://bowhunting2010.blogspot.com/. Later!


  1. Congrats on the opening day success! Sorry to hear about your misses, but good to hear they were clean and there were no wounded animals.

    We would love it if you shared your story at http://www.youroutdoorsonline.com, if not, that's cool. Again, congrats!

  2. Thanks Andy. I'll be sure to check out your sight. Good luck this year!

  3. Tossed up a link for your sight as well - Thanks again!
